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Jėgas sugrąžina žolynai (8 komentarai)

LT Lithuaniahemingvejus
2009-04-03 14:46:44
Man labai patinka zolyciu vaistukai, jei si moteris zolininke ir mielai parduotu , tai dar mieliau pirkciau
LT Lithuaniaaha
2009-04-04 09:26:00
man labai patinka zolyciu produktai - tie kuriuos padegt ir ju dumais kvepuot reikia :D
LT LithuaniaŽmogus, kuris mokino
2009-04-07 10:08:30
Siaubas , kiek čia netikslumų. Saviveikla ir tiek. Aš irgi už vaistažoles, bet ne taip....
LT LithuaniaŽmogus, kuris mokino
2009-04-21 08:38:45
LT Lithuaniasara
2009-06-17 21:50:08
Bet seip apie kiaulpiene tai raso kad ji stabdo kraujavima- tai kaip ji gali tik esant kraujo kresejimui?jei kas zinot tiksliau parasykit apie kiaulpiene
LT Lithuanianijole
2009-11-21 15:51:43
į gydyma zoliu arbatomis ziuriu labai rimtai,vaikysteje negalejau gerti jokiu vaist,tai mama sunkiausia plauciu uzdegima isgyde nasturtu ziedais,rugegeliu ziedais,sermuksnio ziedais.jei netiki ,tai ir geriausi vaistai nepades
LT LithuaniaMaryte
2010-04-19 20:01:07
pavasaris atejo,zmones,nubuskit,skubekit i gamta,jei nepasiimsim to ka ji duoda,po truputi isnyksim,apsinuodije chemikalais
UA Ukraineunfizcruifs
2012-09-12 07:44:38
Some individuals really have a fear of getting older. They dont want to be viewed by society as a has been. They arent really sure what their future holds so they tend to dwell on it. They may have memories of their own parents or grandparents with difficulties as they got older. It is only natural not to want to follow along that same path.

If you want to have a great sex life after the age of 60 then you need to really think about it now. What is your current sex life like? Do you enjoy the activity or do you just go through the motions? Are you in a serious and committed relationship that you would definitely like to still be involved in when that time comes? - gdgd

Some people in their 30s and even their 40s put sex on the back burner. That is understandable with all of the various commitments we often have in our lives. People are on the fast track and over committed. There are family issues, career, and trying to find some time for yourself. It can leave a person drained and with two people on different schedules it is even more difficult.

Many researchers will tell you that the type of sex life you have in your younger years will influence how it is for you after 60. So if you arent happy with what you have now you need to make some changes. Finding ways to be very happy with your own sexuality is very important. The number of people who arent sexually happy is very high, yet very few of them are willing to express what needs to change to their partners.

Part of the problem though is the attitude that earlier generations had about sex. Many women still feel that it is their duty to please their man. Therefore they dont talk openly about wanting more or less sex. They dont express their desires of what they want to see happen. Since no one is bringing it up, their partners just assume they are pleasing them.
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