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Baigėsi politinės kampanijos dalyvių registracija Seimo rinkimuose (65 komentarai)![]() 2024-07-26 21:42:16 ![]() 2024-08-03 00:36:15 Tai atviras kvietimas tapti didžiausio ILLUMINATI dalyvavimo pasaulyje dalimi ir pasiekti savo svajonių viršūnę. Ar norite būti verslininkas ar moteris, politikas, muzikantas, turtingas, garsus, stiprus gyvenime, Illuminati organizacijoje ir gerbiamas, pripažintas ir gerbiamas žmogus visuomenėje? PRIVALUMAI NAUJIEMS NARIAMS, JUNGIAMS PRIE ILLUMINATI. : Piniginis prizas 2 000 000 USD : Galia ir apsauga. : Paaukštinimas jūsų įmonėje/karjeroje. Kaip naujas narys būsite apdovanotas didelėmis pinigų sumomis, kad pradėtumėte naują gyvenimo būdą, o Didybės šviesa apsaugos jus kiekvieną jūsų gyvenimo dieną. Ar norėtumėte sužinoti daugiau? Pastaba: nereikia aukoti kraujo! Susisiekite, jei domina: adamslord85@gmail.com WhatsApp: +905488202419 Geriausi linkėjimai. ![]() 2024-08-09 05:29:51 I am happy I read about Lost Recovery Masters and l didn’t hesitate to contact them. Lost Recovery Masters were able to recover my $94,000 worth of BTC as of then that I stupidly paid to crypto investment scammers I met on Facebook. They are now my family hacker and I’ll always recommend Lost Recovery Masters to everyone in need of help. Website Lostrecoverymasters.com Support team Mail Support@l ostrecoverymasters. com WhatsApp: +44(7537)-105921 ![]() 2024-08-14 19:58:51 I want to publicly thank Alliance Digital Hack, a group of professional private investigator and a certified expert in Bitcoin Recovery Services. Their assistance in helping me recover all the money I lost to fraud was top notch and unbelievable. An online manipulation artist who represented themselves as knowledgeable and experienced in the field of Crypto investments conned my wife and myself. My $356,000 worth of funds were put into cryptocurrency. I was left helpless after the fraud tricked us and had to spend hours looking for a Crypto recovery service to get my money back. The specialist I found was Alliance Digital Hack. I just had to be patient after describing my situation to the expert and all of my money was returned to my wallet in less than 72 hours. Thank you Alliance Digital Hack for your excellent assistance in getting my money back. If you are interested in hiring there services, they can be reached through their contact details below. Email: alliancedigitalrecovery@outlook.com Whatsapp: +44 7452 247277 thank me later. ![]() 2025-02-12 14:00:58 A few days ago, I lost the special keys to my crypto wallet and the support team couldn’t help me while my account remained locked with my crypto balance. I thought all hope was lost until I came across a post on a crypto blog about Morphohack Cyber Cyber Service, a top crypto recovery expert and hacker. I gave it some thought and got a message out to them asking for access to my crypto wallet. At first, I thought it was impossible to do until Morphohack cyber service retrieved my special keys and helped me recover my crypto assets worth $2.8m. I’m still in awe of how quickly and efficient their services are, truly amazing. I recommend them for your crypto recovery needs:MorphoHack@CyberServices.com WhatsApp:+1 213 672- 4092 WEB:MORPHOHACK.WIXSITE. COM/ CYBER WWW.PAJURIONAUJIENOS.COM pasilieka teisę pašalinti tuos skaitytojų komentarus, kurie yra nekultūringi, nesusiję su tema, pasirašyti kito asmens vardu, pažeidžia įstatymus, reklamuoja, kursto nelegaliems veiksmams. WWW.PAJURIONAUJIENOS.COM privalo informuoti specialiąsias Lietuvos tarnybas apie įžeidžiančių, smurtą, rasinę, tautinę, religinę ar kitokią neapykantą skatinančių komentarų autorių duomenis. O taip pat gali tai padaryti savo iniciatyva. |